Coalition Hosts Second Annual Hill Day to Promote Legislative Priorities

July 23, 2024 | Blog

This spring, the Carbon Capture Coalition (the Coalition) hosted its second annual Capitol Hill Day to continue advancing our top legislative priorities for the 118th Congress,  outlined in the Coalition’s foundational, consensus-based document, the Federal Policy Blueprint.

Coalition Members participating in the second annual Carbon Capture Coalition Hill Day

During the event, a diverse cross-section of the Coalition’s more than 100 members representing industry, labor, and environmental and conservation NGOs participated in meetings with more than 30 congressional offices. These meetings were conducted with members of Congress in both chambers representing both political parties, with a special emphasis on members of the two tax-writing committees. During meetings, member organizations highlighted the Coalition’s top tax-based priorities for the 118th Congress, indexing the federal Section 45Q tax credit for inflation prior to 2027, and the CCU Parity Act (S.542/H.R.1262), which would create parity between tax credit values for reuse and storage projects.

Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA) [left] and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) [right] delivering remarks at Coalition’s orientation breakfast

The day began with a welcome breakfast featuring remarks from CCU Parity Act lead-sponsors, Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA). The day was capped off by an evening reception featuring remarks from Representatives Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX-07) and Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA-01). A theme of remarks throughout the day was the importance of bipartisanship and bringing diverse interests together for a common cause, with members of Congress referencing the critical role organizations like the Carbon Capture Coalition play in ensuring robust climate and energy policy.

Our Hill Day has become a signature event for Coalition members to join forces, share pertinent carbon management federal policy updates, and advocate for the Coalition’s shared priorities. In short, the day was filled with robust discussions on Coalition tax policy priorities and educational conversations with key member offices. Following the many thoughtful and robust conversations with congressional staff, we are hopeful we will continue to garner support for our two tax priorities as we anticipate the next moving legislative vehicle for tax policy.


 Convened by the Great Plains Institute, the Carbon Capture Coalition is a nonpartisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, unions, conservation and environmental policy organizations, building federal policy support to enable economywide, commercial scale deployment of carbon management technologies. This includes carbon capture, removal, transport, utilization, and storage from industrial facilities, power plants, and ambient air.