Carbon Capture Coalition Announces Hiring of External Affairs Manager
January 5, 2021 | About Us

Washington, DC – The Carbon Capture Coalition today announced the hiring of its second full-time staff member. The 80-plus member industry, labor and NGO coalition continues to expand its operations and increase the impact of its efforts to advance federal carbon capture policies and commercial carbon capture deployment to meet midcentury climate goals and sustain a high-wage jobs base.
Madelyn Morrison will serve as the Carbon Capture Coalition’s External Affairs Manager. Based in Washington, DC, Madelyn will support the Coalition’s growing and successful national policy and legislative work. She will be responsible for outreach to members of Congress and the new administration, as well as broader constituency engagement. Monday, January 4, 2021 was her first day with the Coalition, which is convened by the Great Plains Institute.
Madelyn joins the Coalition from the Alzheimer’s Association, where she was a Federal Affairs Specialist, managing and building relationships with lawmakers on a variety of topics related to Alzheimer’s and dementia policy, including building support for increased federal appropriations for Alzheimer’s R&D, representing the concerns of Native American communities affected by Alzheimer’s to Congress, and serving as the policy lead on the Eldercare Workforce Alliance, a coalition of national organizations.
Previously, Madelyn served in both the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture, and she worked for former Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), one of the principal architects of the revamped 45Q tax credit. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and English from the University of North Dakota.
Coalition Director, and Great Plains Institute Vice President of Carbon Management, Brad Crabtree issued the following welcome statement:
“Madelyn’s broad experience working in both Congress and the executive branch, as well as her proven bipartisan track record on a variety of policy topics, stood out among the many candidates for the position. We’re delighted that Madelyn is joining the Carbon Capture Coalition staff at this critical juncture. Building on the important carbon capture provisions just enacted in year-end legislation, the start of 2021 brings a new Congress and an incoming Biden Administration and further opportunity to advance bipartisan policies that reduce emissions, support domestic energy, industry and manufacturing, and enhance equity by retaining and creating high-wage jobs and addressing the impacts of pollution on affected communities. Much work remains to fully realize the federal policy agenda needed to achieve economywide deployment of carbon capture and removal and we’re happy to have Madelyn working with us to help accomplish that goal.”
For more information, contact:
Ben Finzel, 202-277-6286
[email protected]