
Members of the Coalition work together to advocate for the full portfolio of policies required to commercialize a domestic carbon management sector and inform policymakers as well as stakeholders on the essential role this suite of technologies must play in achieving these shared objectives. The Coalition’s mission is to advance federal policies and actions that will accelerate commercial deployment of the full suite of carbon management technologies.


The Coalition supports the mission by advancing a comprehensive agenda of federal policies and actions that will accelerate deployment of:  
  • Technologies to capture and manage carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and co-pollutants from power plants and industrial facilities; 
  • Carbon removal technologies, including direct air capture, biomass with carbon removal and storage, and other advanced technologies that remove CO2 already in the atmosphere; 
  • Transport infrastructure to carry CO2 from where it is captured to where it can be geologically stored or put to beneficial use; 
  • Reuse of captured CO2 and CO to produce low- and zero-carbon products; 
  • Safe and permanent storage of CO2, including in appropriate geologic reservoirs. 

Looking Ahead: Reaching Economywide Deployment of Carbon Capture

With the cornerstone policy of the 45Q tax credit in place, the Coalition advocates for a comprehensive federal policy agenda needed to commercialize carbon capture, removal, transport, utilization, and storage technologies.  


The Carbon Capture Coalition’s strategic vision for policy action is to:  
  • Ensure that the recently enacted supportive policy ecosystem for carbon management is properly implemented at the federal level;
  • Ensure benefits from the deployment of carbon capture projects flow to affected communities and workers;
  • Create demand side policies for products and services sourced from carbon management;
  • Provide resources for the next generation of federal research, development, deployment and demonstration activities, to enable the carbon management sector;
  • Strengthen the available portfolio of tax credits to ensure investment certainty and business model flexibility, as intended by Congress;
  • Enable the appropriate transport and storage of CO2 by swift and coordinated federal action.

Federal Legislative Tracker

You can view our full federal legislative tracker here.