Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on H.R. 1946

March 14, 2025 | Legislation

This statement can be attributed to Madelyn Morrison, director of government affairs for the Carbon Capture Coalition: 

“Carbon management technologies have been a valuable and necessary component of the United States’ comprehensive and multifaceted energy and environment strategy for nearly two decades, thanks to continued robust, bipartisan support from federal policymakers. The federal Section 45Q tax credit is a mission-critical tool for a wide array of American businesses. In fact, in January, more than 160 companies, trade groups, labor unions, and policy organizations joined the Carbon Capture Coalition in urging Congress to maintain critical bipartisan support for the federal Section 45Q tax credit and oppose any efforts to weaken its utility. 45Q is the key policy mechanism enabling carbon management technologies to fulfill their roles in maintaining domestic energy supplies, supporting a robust and diverse US industrial and manufacturing base, protecting and creating family-sustaining jobs that local economies depend on, and preserving America’s role as a global technology innovation leader. 

“As with most burgeoning industries, federal investments in both tax policies and research, development, demonstration, and deployment are absolutely critical to the successful commercial liftoff of carbon management technologies across our economy. Significant federal investments in carbon management and associated infrastructure over the past several years have spurred the announcement of more than 270 publicly announced domestic projects that span the carbon management value chain and technology readiness levels, signaling that good policy translates into real-world projects. Absent a strong 45Q tax credit, most, if not all, of the currently announced projects would cease operation, taking a significant toll on the local economies that host them.  

“We are at an important inflection point as the global demand for energy continues to skyrocket. The US must continue to lead the way in deploying technologies like carbon capture to ensure we can meet the domestic electricity realities of the moment in a reliable, sustainable way. Without a strong 45Q, the US would face unintended consequences to domestic energy supply sources and adverse impacts on our ability to compete in global markets.”  


The Carbon Capture Coalition (the Coalition) is a nonpartisan collaboration of more than 100 companies, labor unions, and conservation and environmental policy organizations. Coalition members work together to lay the groundwork for the necessary portfolio of federal policies to enable nationwide, commercial-scale deployment of carbon management technologies.