December 15, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Welcomes GE Gas Power as a Participant
Washington, DC – The Carbon Capture Coalition today welcomed GE Gas Power as a Coalition Participant. GE Gas Power is a world leader in natural gas power…
December 8, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Welcomes Introduction of Bipartisan Senate Bill to Enhance Section 45Q Tax Credit
Carbon Capture Coalition Director Brad Crabtree released the following statement on the introduction of 45Q enhancement legislation by Senators Capito (R-WV), Whitehouse (D-RI), Barrasso (R-WY), Cramer (R-ND),…
December 3, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on the Introduction of the Accelerating Carbon Capture and Extending Secure Storage Act through 45Q (ACCESS 45Q Act)
Carbon Capture Coalition Director Brad Crabtree released the following statement on today’s introduction of direct pay and 45Q extension legislation by Representatives David McKinley (R-WV), Marc Veasey…
November 17, 2020
Coalition Seeks Passage of Bipartisan Energy Legislation During Lame Duck
The Carbon Capture Coalition sent a letter today to House and Senate leaders, urging resolution of any outstanding differences on widely supported bipartisan energy legislation, including the…
November 17, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition to Lawmakers: Implement Direct Pay and Multiyear 45Q Extension
The Carbon Capture Coalition sent a letter to the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance Committees, encouraging the advancement of direct pay and multiyear extension of…
November 7, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on the 2020 Election
The Carbon Capture Coalition today issued the following statement on the 2020 election. This statement may be attributed to Coalition Director Brad Crabtree: “The results of our…
October 29, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Submits Presidential Campaign Memos
The Carbon Capture Coalition submitted memos to both President Trump’s and Vice President Biden’s campaigns. These memos outline key Coalition priorities for the first 100 days of…
September 25, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Statement on Passage of the House Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act
The Carbon Capture Coalition today issued the following statement on passage by the U.S. House of Representatives of the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. This statement…
September 24, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Writes Senate Leaders Urging Floor Time for the American Energy Innovation Act
The Carbon Capture Coalition sent Senate leaders a letter today urging them to consider floor time for S. 2657, the American Energy Innovation Act (AEIA). This bill…
September 21, 2020
Carbon Capture Coalition Supports Important Carbon Capture Provisions in the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act
The Carbon Capture Coalition sent House leaders a letter today thanking them for providing floor time for H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act. This…