Statement from Carbon Capture Coalition Co-Director Brad Crabtree on Presidential Campaign Use of Carbon Capture Language

June 7, 2019 | News

“The Carbon Capture Coalition is a national partnership comprised of over 60 energy, industrial and technology companies, labor unions, and conservation, environmental, clean energy and agricultural organizations, all working collaboratively every day to advance smart, bipartisan policies to reduce our nation’s carbon emissions, create high-wage jobs and support domestic energy and industrial production. This kind of effective collaboration is all too rare in our country today: America would have much better policy outcomes if we spent more time and energy working together to meet our climate, energy, and economic goals.”

“The Coalition has had no interaction with any 2020 presidential campaign, and we have no knowledge of how the Biden campaign developed its climate policy proposal. However, we hope that every 2020 presidential campaign will recognize that economywide deployment of carbon capture is an essential component of any broader climate strategy and policy portfolio, and we invite every presidential candidate to post on their website the goal of making carbon capture technologies ‘widely available, cost-effective and rapidly scalable to reduce carbon emissions to meet mid-century climate goals.'”